Callie Opie’s Orchard – New York Voices

After 38 years of enormous influence on modern vocal music, the members of New York Voices are hitting the road for their final tour.

Darmon Meader

 Peter Eldridge

  Lauren Kinhan

   Kim Nazarian

— and their band

They’ve released 14 albums, toured the world, worked with giants of jazz, and created vocal education programs on two continents.

Now, they’re bringing their exuberance and talent to Lake Anna.

See and hear them live, while you can!

Saturday, September 6th at 7:00 p.m. in Callie Opie’s Orchard Restaurant Event Barn

Limited Seating

Sponsor an Eight-Person Table @ $400 ($500 for Preferred* Location)

Sponsor a Six-Person Table @ $300 ($400 for Preferred* Location)

Single Ticket @ $50 ($75 for Preferred Location)

Note: Single ticket seats are at shared tables.

We will try to place single tickets purchased together at the same table.

*Preferred locations are closer to the stage.

Tickets are for admission only. Food and drinks will be available for sale.

Purchase Tickets for New York Voices on Saturday, September 6, 2025
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